Thread type

Execution thread. Currently a POSIX thread.


init(t:Thread, name:Str, f:Fun, arg:Any) Source: stdlib.ngs:4835
Creates and runs a thread. The code that the created thread runs is f, which is passed arg.
init(t:Thread, f:Fun, arg:Any) Source: stdlib.ngs:4856
Creates and runs a thread. The code that the created thread runs is f, which is passed arg.
init(t:Thread, f:Fun) Source: stdlib.ngs:4861
Creates and runs a thread. The code that the created thread runs is f without arguments.
init(t:Thread, name:Str, f:Fun) Source: stdlib.ngs:4866
Creates and runs a thread. The code that the created thread runs is f without arguments.
join(t:Thread) Source: stdlib.ngs:4894
Joins on thread. Waits for the thread to finish and returns the result from the thread. Currently, if a thread throwed an exception, it will be returned as the value. In future it might re-throw the exception, probably wrapped in ThreadExeption.


Str(t:Thread) Source: stdlib.ngs:4994